Below are questions that teachers have had regarding remote learning. If you need assistance, and your question is not below, please contact your child's teacher.
1. What do I do if I am having technology difficulties?
Please contact your child's teacher. If the problem is still not resolved, our tech department will be contacted.
2. What time does attendance need to be done?
Attendance on ASYNCHRONOUS days (November 20/24) will be completed by your child doing work assigned by 1:00. It does not have to be all of the work by 1:00.
Attendance on SYNCHRONOUS days (all the others) is completed by the teacher during the first Google Meet of the day. If your child is not able to make the first Meet due to a conflict, you will need to contact the teacher.
3. When will the work be due?
All assignments that are assigned will be completed and turned in on the due date given by the teacher. This information should be available from your teacher's Google Classroom or by contacting the teacher.
4. Am I able to come to the office or pick-up/drop-off items?
Yes, the office will be open from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm every day. Many items will be left in the foyer as they have been throughout the year. Please look for your child's grade. It is important that you know your child's teacher's name.
5. How does my child meet with their specials teachers?
All of the teachers have a Google Meet link on the special's teacher classroom. The students will need to leave their homeroom teacher's link and go to their special teacher for the day.
6. If my child or someone in the household/close contact is showing symptoms, getting tested or positive for COVID, do I need to let the school nurse know?
YES, Dr. Mahoney will send an email out on Friday referencing this.
7. Can my child have their screen split in order to see the Google Meet and a video, document, Kahoot, etc. at the same time?
Yes, a link to a tutorial for this is below.
8. How does an assignment get marked as complete/done?
When you click an assignment the words MARK AS DONE will show up in blue on the right-hand side of the screen. Click on that. If it's not showing up, please contact the teacher.