November 18, 2020
OES Families-
As per Dr. Mahoney’s email, beginning Thursday, November 19th, we will implement our remote learning plan. This plan has been communicated by your child’s teacher. If you have not received this, please reach out to them. All students K-6th grade will be coming home with a Chromebook, charger and any other supplies that are necessary for learning during our remote time. You will no longer need to certify and or take attendance on Power School during our remote learning instruction. Attendance will be taken by the teachers on synchronous days through the students attending the Google Meet, and on asynchronous days through work being completed by 1:00.
As a reminder asynchronous learning is when there is no live teaching with the teacher or other students. Synchronous learning is when the teacher and other students are learning in a live matter together, i.e. Google Meet.
The office will be open from 7-4 as normal if you have questions. You will be receiving an email from our Food Services Director regarding lunch pick-up. We will have an asynchronous learning day on Tuesday, November 24th still and tentatively we plan to still hold our synchronous day on December 11th.
All devices, chargers and materials will need to be returned on December 3rd when we return to on-site learning.
Thursday, November 19th – Synchronous Learning
Friday, November 20th – Asynchronous Learning
Monday, November 23rd – Synchronous
Tuesday, November 24th – Asynchronous
Wednesday, November 25th – no school
Thursday, November 26th – no school
Friday, November 27th – no school
Monday, November 30th – Synchronous
Tuesday, December 1st – Synchronous
Wednesday, December 2nd – Synchronous
Thursday, December 3rd – Back to in-person
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher as well as the office if necessary.
Thank you,
Mrs. Virgil